Saturday 4 January 2014

Looking back 2012~2013

Its been a tough 2013, busy with work and family. Not much time for making Gunplas.
My resolution this year is to try updating this blog as often as possible.
Most likely i will keep it like my online dairy. Not 100% about mecha.
From late 2012 to now, lots of things happened i lost my grandmother, then one of my dog and finally i left my job for a break.

For my grandma I  didn't get to see her one last time, by time i reached the hospital she had already passed. This was followed by alot of unhappiness in the family but gradually time heals everything.

3 to 4 months later, i had to do the saddest decision in my life to date, putting down my 13yrs companion Ryan my dog. He used to cuddle next to me while i build gunpla and waited for me to finish so i can bring him down for a walk. I guess this maybe one reason why i dont enjoy building kits as much as before.

Job was so much pressure i left banking. I wanted peace. Away from everyone. In 2013, i traveled alot, mostly to Japan for business. I had alot of time on the plane,trains and hotel tooms. In someway i'm slowly puting things back again. 2014 is full of uncertainties, but i will persevere. 

I wish everyone a happy 2014, may this year be better. i leave you with pictures of Ryan who i believe is in a happier place now :)

Lets hope my wishes come true this year..



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